Monday, April 5, 2010

LIfe so far 3

Just as we seem to be conquering the world with technology somewhere we are put back in place by the force of nature.It is this power that makes us ram upon the small little moments that make a difference to our lives.All our life is spent in pursuit of chasing our dreams and doing so we tend to overlook the small little things that define us.Life is too short to be chased it needs to be played,cherished and enjoyed so that it turns out to be a pleasure more than a struggle.May sound very idealistic at this stage but these thoughts are currently flashing through my mind after Mexico was hit by an earthquake that measure 6.9 on the Richter scale.The very thought of being in the radius of about 100 miles from the epicenter is scary in itself.The land seemed to just vibrate for about 30 -60 seconds putting almost every human feeling it a bunch of nerves.As humans we have taken things for granted and so is the case with nature.The focus of this blog is not to bring about environmental consciousness but to bring forth the value of small moments that play a vital role in each of our lives.
Life is not easy for anyone of us because if it were so it would be taken for granted.Each attempt to succeed is proceeded by several failed attempts and were it not for these we would have never seen the best within us.The crux of growth lies in taking into account the lessons that moments of our life deliver.Each moment of our life is scripted the way it is with a purpose and we need to identify.We need to look beyond the mundane and trivial things that surround us and proceed towards self improvement.
I personally feel that the only way we can make a difference to the world is by making it within ourselves.I believe that the only way we can be receptive to change is by being proactive.There have been small,trivial incidents which have gone a long way in teaching me the most important lessons.It is not an easy task to be able to absorb because it requires a lot of effort to be able to see beyond "I me and myself".Today as i sit down yet again to express my feelings i m hit by a deep thought about life and its evanescence.This makes my resolve even stronger to live a more content, happier and an active life wherein each day of life adds meaning to my own existence.I am closing this post and look forward to bringing in something new with my next....


  1. Nice observation and description about the nuances of life and the how incidents around you affect you.
