Monday, March 29, 2010

LIfe so far 2

This post is a sequel to the previous and focuses on the journey of my life so far highlighting the key events so far.Life is not easy miles away your loved ones with whom we take all our liberties.Life is taken for granted and things are made to look easy and tractable with their endless strings of effort.I was no exception and back home it was my inner circle of family and friends who made life look absolutely simple.Their act seemed so effortless and altruistic that I hardly realized the value of their actions.This reality hit harder on me when i set foot on the soils of San Diego.The idea of managing things all by myself wasn't foreign to me but the scale of operation was different this time.I would be responsible for every act of mine and had to take each decision with utmost caution and be prepared to combat new challenges each day.
Even though i was an extremely vibrant and gregarious individual in India,i had to take small steps at a time in making new friends here.This task was not the easiest as during these 8 months of my stay i have seen individuals from different backgrounds with complex shades of emotion.Initially i put myself across as a shy and quiet person but this was very unlike me.Caught in the quandary of the mind i was unsure about how to act and go about with this new phase in my life.I started becoming a person who had a limited circle and who stuck around with familiar faces all the time.As time slipped on i began to feel lost in this new world as my domain of interaction was limited and my social life had taken a complete back seat.I had reduced myself to nothing for a few unknown fears that were never to materialize.I had placed some self imposed rules for myself which held no consequence to the given situation.The loneliness and uncertainties began haunting me at every stage bringing in thoughts that were defying the very purpose of my journey.It was at this juncture when i decided to release myself from the shackles of loneliness and lifted self imposed conditions i had placed on myself.I decided to embrace the world the way it worked and widen my network.It was a indeed a pleasure to get back to my old cheerful self who loved socializing.There was no looking back after that day and i guess i have learnt a lot from all those individuals who have been a part of journey.I reiterate the above statement quite often because i strongly believe that people make me feel more complete as an individual.I have had the fortune to come across so many great human beings who have opened a new vistas of learning and growth.People with whom i have really established the connect and can bank on them for any advice at any point in life.I have come to relish the company of people and take up the best in them.The best part of every incident is the essence it leaves behind and this has brought out the best in me in terms of social skills and led me know human emotions through a closer eye.
Like a flash of a lightening months have passed by and here i am living my new life with the same comfort as before.The difference being the accumulation of knowledge and the support of my friends who have almost become family to me.This post is dedicated to all my dear friends in San Diego who have helped me cope with my issues and stood by me whenever i needed them.This is my way of expressing gratitude to all those humans who have indeed made life smoother and happier.As i look forward to yet another day of life waiting to spray the world with my joys and get to know the world better through the eyes of other humans.This post has a sequel so my blog followers there is more to come...on a condition that i get feedback!! :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

LIfe so far- 1

Its really strange how the best of my thoughts flow from my head after the strike of 2 and bring upon wisdom at its best.As i sit down to pen yet another blog again after a month long hiatus hoping to do complete justice to this space and my learnings.It has been almost 8 months in this foreign land and each day has made me evolve as a better human.Each day has presented me with oppportuinities galore to draw inspiration and grasp from the best around me.This has marked the beginning of sorts in my life and unravelled the deeper truths of life in a harsh manner yet retaining the essence of living.
Every human being leaves behind safe shores with a glint of aspiration and hope for something loftier and i was no excpetion.My eyes held a vision for myself whose pursuit dragged me to look beyond.The very idea of a new setting was received postively by my mind as this was no sitaution as i had been through this several times.But this time the only difference being no family and i knew this for sure that this wasnt gone be easy as its on family that we fall back on during times of distress.Life is incomplete without challenges and i knew that the life i was embracing was replete with challenges tagged by valuable lessons that were to stay for life.
Life gets very monotonus when lived in a similar fashion and needs to be refreshed and rebooted every time its hits a low.The mundane everyday chores start making life merely a routine and defeats the purpose of our existence.I learnt to beat this melancholy and learnt to start looking for more pursuits to excite myslef and live a more purposeful life.I have definitely not lived uo to every word that i have stated above but am directing my efforts towards achieving it.I have become recpetive to things that give me plesaures even though it may be something extremely trivial.This has really chnaged my perspective towards things and keeps me happy and content most of the times.
Learning to beat stress isnt easy and i m in the process of coming up with new means to cheer myself everytime i m faced by it.I have realised the value of people and their contribution has been manifold in helping me make a seamless transition in life.Each and every individual i have interacted with come from an different walks of life and this gave me an insight into different situations.I have always loved obeserving mannerisms and traits in people and this helps me strenghten my analysis to come up with solutions to situations which i try and integrate into my life.
Life brings upon you the situations you dread the most but dreadful times never last long and are always followed by merrier ones which leave a lasting imprint memories in our minds.I learnt the key lessons of adjustment and became more responsible for myself.It is indeed extremely hard to live in union with individuals from different backgrounds but this experience has been enriching.It has helped me discern the good from the bad and most importantly taught me to see the good every in each human.May sound very hypothetical at this juncture when i accept that the meandering mind ceases to follow this but every analysis/experiment is allowed some bounds of error.So i give myself that much of margin.Yet will try to make wiser decisions and act strongly in situations that demand courage and boldness.
I can just run into lines and lines on this topic as this is something that is very close to my heart and hold great value in my life.Guess should present this as a series and thats what i intend to do in my next..some more ideas backed by some more experinces ...all veracity in my next few blogs...Making my connect with the hard realities and still learning to handle life in a better way...
Lastly this excerpt has given me a great reason to look forward to my day and close this post with a resolve to bring out the best in me each day!!